Circular Technology

Creating value out of water

Treatment of wastewater, drinking and process water, biosolids, sludge, and gasses

For municipal and industrial market

Water mining is an innovative approach to wastewater management that involves extracting and treating wastewater directly from sewer systems to recover valuable resources such as reusable water, nutrients, cellulose, and energy.

This process not only alleviates the burden on centralized treatment infrastructure but also transforms extracted materials into high-value products, promoting a more sustainable and circular approach to urban resource management.

CirTec BV, a leader in Circular Technology, has been at the forefront of this field since 2010.

The transition to a circular and sustainable society
is not a goal but an absolute must.

Coos Wessels

Onze oplossingen

Het scheiden en indikken van vaste stoffen en vloeistoffen behoren ook tot onze kernactiviteiten. Met onze uitgebreide kennis en ervaring in (biologische) behandelingsprocessen kunnen wij u ondersteunen bij het ontwerpen of upgraden van uw complete zuiveringsinstallatie.

Wij zijn wereldwijd actief in de communale- en industriële markt en richten ons op de behandeling van afvalwater, drink- en proceswater, biosolids, slib en gassen.