Successful opening of Oosterwold sewage treatment works!

Monday September 9 was a milestone for the region Almere-Oosterwold!

Together with our partners Royal Oosterhof Holman, AkaNova, Van Remmen UV and the Municipality of Almere, the new sewage treatment plant in Oosterwold was officially opened.

This innovative installation purifies the wastewater of 800 households and returns clean, safe water back to nature. An innovative treatment works in which raw materials such as cellulose are recovered and micro-pollutants such as medicine residues are removed.

Alderman Jesse Luijendijk of the municipality of Almere told attendees about the development and unique aspects of the district Oosterwold and how the municipality thought outside the box when realising this sustainable innovative water treatment.

Jo Caris member of the board of Waterutility Zuiderzeeland emphasized the importance of innovation and the integration of different techniques for future water treatment systems. The insights and techniques that we have applied here can be an example for future upgrades on a larger scale.

Coos Wessels CEO of Cirtec took the audience through the development and realisation process, and showed how hard work and perseverance led to a result to be proud of. The day was a great success with a lot of involvement and curiosity from the guests.