Stay in the Loop
17 April 2020 Stay in the LOOP Students at Berlin’s Fachhochschule Potsdam conducted research on the use, reuse and circular potential of toilet paper. The infographic in this link (external link to is the result of their research. Compliments to Lena Blüggel, Clara Lozano, and Chantal Schöpp.
SMART Plant fact sheets
11 May 2020 SMART – Plant fact sheets As part of the Horizon2020 project SMART-Plant, fact sheets were prepared by Kompetenz Wasser Berlin for the 13 SMART-Plant solutions. For each solution, the process is described and the benefits are attached. For each process, the contact information for the responsible partner can be found at the […]
From linear to circular purification with SMART
23 June 2020 From linear to circular purification with SMART plant During the SMART-Plant project, a number of technologies were investigated for the recovery and utilization of raw materials from sewage. Linear treatment ensures that incoming substances are removed, producing a clean effluent. All pollutants are converted to sludge or possibly greenhouse gases. In addition, […]
Demo cellulose recovery in Italy
23 Oktober 2020 Gruppo CAP en CirTec B.V. hebben een overeenkomst getekend voor de inzet van een CellCap installatie op demo-schaal voor een periode van 5 maanden. Gruppo CAP is het eerste Italiaanse waterschap dat cellulose terugwint uit rioolwater. De installatie wordt in november 2020 geïnstalleerd op de rwzi Truccazzano. Alle Recell® (cellulose teruggewonnen uit […]
Searious and CirTec crawl into the skin of a fish!
11 March 2022 New technology turns byproduct from fish processing into high-value product When you think of fish you do not automatically make a link with leather. Yet the skin of salmon, cod or haddock, for example, is an excellent raw material for sustainably producing exotic leather with the structure of a water snake. Searious […]
Wex Global Award
Winnaar award “innovation in water circularity” op WEX Global 29 june 2022 WEX Global 2022 occupies a special place in terms of “water conferences.” Experts from all parts of the water sector and from different countries come here to make contacts, exchange ideas and get informed about the latest developments. This year there were more […]
Docu-style film on cellulose recovery from sewage
4 June 2021 The Water Alliance made a beautiful docu-style film about recovering cellulose from sewage and the transition in mindset to think from the resource perspective instead of waste. If we think about climate change or reducing greenhouse gases, resource reuse is a necessity. Cellulose recovery with CellCap and reuse of Recell are just […]