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Energy Saving

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As society becomes more aware of the impact of human activities on the environment, many industries are looking for innovative ways to reduce their carbon footprint and save energy. One area where significant progress has been made is in biological water treatment and sludge dewatering. By harnessing the power of biology, these systems can significantly reduce energy consumption while still effectively treating wastewater and sludge.

Biological water treatment

At the heart of biological water treatment and sludge dewatering is the concept of using microorganisms to break down organic matter. Traditional treatment methods use chemicals and mechanical processes to remove contaminants from wastewater and sludge. However, these methods are often energy intensive and can have negative environmental impacts.

Biological treatment methods, on the other hand, rely on natural processes to break down organic material. Microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and algae are used to convert pollutants in wastewater and sludge into harmless byproducts such as water and carbon dioxide. These processes occur naturally in the environment, but by harnessing them in a controlled environment, we can significantly reduce the amount of energy required to treat wastewater and sludge.

Saving on energy while helping the environment?

One of the main advantages of biological water treatment and sludge dewatering is that energy consumption can be significantly reduced compared to traditional treatment methods. Studies have shown that these systems can reduce energy consumption by 90%. This is achieved by using the natural processes of microorganisms to break down organic matter, rather than relying on energy-intensive chemicals and mechanical processes.


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A few benefits of biaological treatment methods:

High efficiency

Another advantage of biological treatment methods is that they are highly efficient. Because microorganisms can rapidly break down organic material, biological treatment systems can treat larger volumes of wastewater and sludge in less time than traditional methods. This means plants can increase productivity and reduce costs in the long run.

Reduce waste

But the benefits of biological treatment methods do not end there. In addition to energy savings and efficiency, these systems also produce high-quality biosolids that can be used for various agricultural and industrial applications. This helps close the waste cycle, reducing the amount of waste going to landfills and creating a more sustainable future. 


Perhaps most importantly, biological treatment methods offer a more sustainable approach to wastewater and sludge treatment. By relying on natural processes, these systems can significantly reduce the environmental impacts of wastewater and sludge treatment. In addition, because these methods use less energy and produce high-quality biosolids, they are a more sustainable and cost-effective option for many facilities.

Cirtec takes it next level

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To break down the organic pollutants in the water, microorganisms consume a lot of oxygen. This oxygen is introduced into the water by aeration systems. The biology with aeration is usually the biggest energy consumer of water treatment. Reducing the amount of aeration required is therefore very interesting.

By removing a significant portion of the incoming suspended solids from the influent to the treatment plant, less aeration energy is required for their conversion.  

The conversion of pollutants by the bacteria thus eventually creates sludge; the microorganisms eat themselves full and die off. This material is eventually disposed of as sludge. In the treatment plant, this sludge is present as a very thin suspension. Transportation by road means transporting mainly water. Therefore, the sludge is first dewatered as far as possible. The filtrate (water) remains at the treatment plant and is taken back into the treatment process and the sludge is removed. 

For dewatering, machines are required, which with dosing of chemicals eventually deliver a solid (scoopable) product. This material, with a considerably smaller volume, can then be transported to the next destination (often incineration).

Reducing sludge production by pre-capturing suspended solids directly means that less dewatering capacity is needed and fewer chemicals are also used. Less dewatering capacity means a reduction in energy consumption, the second saving in energy by applying the CirTec fine screens.

To demonstrate this difference in energy consumption, a study was conducted at several plants. At one treatment plant two aeration lines were compared, one of which was equipped with the CirTec finescreen and the other was not. On another treatment plant the entire pre-purification (screenings with finescreens behind them) has been adjusted so that a good comparison can be made between the purification before and after the fine screens. This demonstrated the reduction in energy consumption of aeration. The difference in sludge production is also clear there. 

Customized solutions for each company

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Sewage treatment plants

Of course, not all biological treatment systems are created equal. It is important to choose a system tailored to the specific needs of your farm. For example, some systems are better suited for smaller residential complexes, while others are better suited for large industrial facilities. It is also important to consider factors such as maintenance requirements, operating costs and regulatory compliance when choosing a system.

At Cirtec, we specialize in designing and implementing biological water treatment and sludge dewatering systems tailored to our clients’ unique needs. Our team of experts has years of industry experience, and we use the latest technology and best practices to ensure our systems are highly efficient, cost-effective and environmentally sustainable.

case studies

Stay in the Loop

17 April 2020 Stay in the LOOP Students at Berlin’s Fachhochschule Potsdam conducted research on the use, reuse and circular potential of toilet

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SMART Plant fact sheets

11 May 2020 SMART – Plant fact sheets As part of the Horizon2020 project SMART-Plant, fact sheets were prepared by Kompetenz Wasser Berlin

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Contact us

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If you want to save energy and reduce your carbon footprint while still treating wastewater and sludge effectively, look no further than Cirtec. Contact us today to learn more about our innovative biological treatment systems and how they can help you achieve your sustainability goals.